Refashionized – Fashion Evolution towards Sustainability is a European Project aimed at shaping young people’s attitudes and behaviour towards sustainable fashion consumption patterns, stimulating their creativity, entrepreneurial mindset, resourcefulness and proactiveness, and promoting European values and history through learning about the history of fashion in the 20th century and its evolution in the 21st century.

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, and has two main targets:

  • youth workers and educators

  • young people aged 16-24


OUTPUTS OF THE PROJECT – During the 24 months of implementation, the consortium will work to deliver two main outputs that reflect the target groups:


The Trainer’s Corner

The Trainer’s Corner: is aimed at teachers, youth workers and trainers and will provide a comprehensive range of learning and training resources for educators. The aim is to provide knowledge about the main eras of fashion history, the provision of relevant educational materials (PPTs) and lesson plans with activities, as well as to enable trainers to successfully deliver theoretical sessions on the history of fashion to the target groups of the project.

The focus will be on providing information on the environmental impact of today’s fashion industry and a methodology guide for teaching sustainable fashion.

It includes: History of Fashion Booklet, Sustainable Fashion Booklet, Methodology, Sustainable Fashion Glossary, Practical Toolkit.


The Learner’s Corner

The Learner’s Corner: primarily designed for the target group of learners as well as youth workers and educators who want to improve their skills and broaden their knowledge about fashion history and sustainable fashion.

The result aims to present a comprehensive set of learning materials tailored to the needs of learners, to provide knowledge about the main eras of fashion history, and to provide knowledge about the environmental impact of the fashion industry and what conservation measures are currently being implemented.

It includes: Online Course, How to Upcycle videos, How to create your own Portfolio, Sustainable Fashion Crosswords, Sustainable Fashion Game.


The Consortium

The project is implemented in each county by:


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.