i-Portunus for cultural heritage - Call for residency projects!

i-Portunus, the international mobility project founded by Creative Europe, has launched an open call for artists, creators and cultural professionals active in the field of cultural heritage, aimed at international collaboration and production oriented residencies.

As we have recently received in donation a wonderful collection of historical jacquard fabrics, we would like to invite designers and artists from abroad to apply to the call with a residency project based on this collection, that is part of the Archive of the textile company Texnova, consisting of precious woven fabrics designed and produced since the end of the ‘30s and ‘40s.
Other parts of the Archive have been donated to Istituto Buzzi and the Textile Museum of Prato.

If you are interested in the project, we will be happy to give you more information about the Archive.
Applications have to be made via i-Portunus website, following this link.
Deadline to apply is 15 April, 2021.
Residencies fee should be entirely covered by i-Portunus support.

We will be happy to review your projects in advance and help with invitation letters!

Alessandra Tempesti