Prato, Italy
Inside Lottozero is our opening exhibition, which will take place in our headquarters in Prato, Italy, on the 15th of October 2016 and will mark the beginning of our activities.
Inside Lottozero explores the use of textile material in contemporary art through an exhibition concept based on an idea of non-stop fruition, where the visitor is invited to spend the entire night inside the exhibition space.
geist.xyz_grey_G03_w, still frame from, digital simulation, 2'20", 2016
Kathrin Stumreich
Fabricmachine, sound installation and live performance, 2013
© Johannes Schrems
The exhibition
The opening of the exhibition lasts a total of 12 hours, from late afternoon to the early morning, and includes visual, performative and auditory elements to challenge and involve the audience. The visitors will be given the possibility of spending the opening night inside the exhibition space, surrounded by the displayed pieces, and therefore to establish a long-term contact with the work.
An installation created especially for the exhibition will serve the visitors as a resting place for the night, during which a sleep concert will take place. 6 experimental electronic musicians accompany the audience in its sleep with gentle musical performances.
Behind Inside Lottozero
The purpose of this exhibition is to initiate a dialogue, to find meaningful connections between the textile material and other art forms.
The versatile work of the artists is a collection of perspectives in which one can see the past and the future directions of this kind of art, they materialize in crossing of languages, research, materiality and reflections on the various ways to interact with the textile material.
Versatile material
What emerges from this examination on the topic, conducted through the works of 13 Italian and European artists, is the metaphoric nature of textile, which is able to unite artistic researches one so different from the other. It's a flexible and pliable material, not only for its rich history of weaving and sewing techniques that have developed over the centuries in every country of the world, but also for its many anthropological, social, political and religious values.
Nicole Miltner
justaucorps_04/04- 11/05, wool-cotton weave, 215,5 x 80 cm, 2004-2005
© Klemens Kohlweis
«Inside Lottozero presenterà tredici artisti provenienti da tutto il mondo — con una prevalenza di donne e di interpreti al loro esordio assoluto in Italia — generando un’occasione senza precedenti per la città di Prato.»
(read full article)